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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Effect of 5-HTP

I took 5-HTP for 9 months for my dperession and I found that it is having both positive and negative effects. I took 5-HTP along with other nutrients like DL-phenylalanine, magnesium, taurine, glycine, omega 3 (EPA + DHA), vitamin C + Bioflavanoids and multivitamins. However, to the best of my knowledge and experience, I could identify the effects of 5-HTP.

Positive effects:
  1. Reduction of anxiety (possibly through suppression of adrenergic system through NE-beta receptors) - The maximal reduction of anxiety occurred when I took DL-phenylalanine.
  2. The tingling sensation and heaviness feeling in my left hand ring finger went away. I could type with left hand fingers without any conscious awareness of this problem.
  3. My obsessive and compulsive behaviours like circling with fingers, looking for symmetry in the objects I see, massaging my hands, massaging my stomach and chest, silent pronouncing of eating sounds while eating etc.,
  4. My stuttering becomes less and fluency and diction improved.
Negative effects:
  1. Excessive fatigue (more with more dosage and after taking for 1 month)
  2. Excessive sleepiness (Used to sleep for 8+ hours/day)
  3. Decrease in libido (No spontaneous sex drive, Weak erections. But, I could get strong erections and increased sensation of the penis while having sex after supplementation with DL-phenylalanine. No change in libido even after supplementation with DL-Phenylalanine). However, I noticed a strange thing. After taking the 5-HTP for 1 month and if I stop it suddenly for 1 full day, then my libido increased.
  4. Decreased movements (I could not walk faster or do things faster)
  5. Decreased motivation to do any new things or risk taking
  6. Mental clouding - less clarity in thinking, can't think deeply
  7. Less caring for the spouse and children - less familial bonding and attachment
  8. Increased tendency to pick up fights with wife

The reason for the side effects could be due to the suppression of dopamine in CNS.


  1. pretty interesting ... i was thinking about taking this .... but, the negatives sound all too familiar with me.

  2. i was reading that there is an inverse relationship with dopamine and serotonin. Where, more S means lower D. And, I was observing that increased levels of D (per my initial research) could cause less speaking fluency. Therefore, my research led me to perhaps try and INCREASE S. I also have a lack of energy level and internal depression characteristics. Wondering what your thoughts are re: this.

  3. Hello Greg, I am new to this...can you please expain the meaning of the words :"S", and :"D"? thanks
