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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Exercise increases libido and mood

Exercise, particularly cardiovascular exercise increases libido and penile erection significantly. Also, it increases mood and happiness.

Walking for 45 minutes to 60 minutes increases blood circulation and mild improvement in alertness, focus, concentration and mood. But, no spurt of happiness or libido happens.

During the walking, particularly after 30 minutes of walking, jogging for 3-5 minutes (250 - 500 meters) with faster respiratory rate (literally gasping like a dog), increases the happiness and libido after few hours.

Also, walking 1-1.5 km after each meal improves the blood circulation and keep the mood active and alert. Consumption of food diverts the blood flow to stomach. This decreases the blood flow to brain which is already receiving poor circulation. That's why dullness and drowsiness happen after the lunch ( a heavy meal). So, walking immediately after each meal improves the circulation to all parts of the body and to brain also. This sort of exercise may be practiced to improve the energy levels, focus and concentration. 

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