I have followed the following ways to increase the erection function. Please read the basic physiology/pathology of erection and erectile dysfunction so as to have a better understanding and better cure of your condition.
The penile erection in males is largely governed by vascular health because the erection and flaccidity of penis is dependent upon blood flow and trapping of that blood inside the spongy penile tissue. The blood vessels should have appropriate elasticity to do this job. This elasticity is mediated by several mechanisms. Among them, nitric oxide (Chemical formula: NO) is important in mediating penile erection. This nitric oxide molecule is generated by the blood vessel (vascular endothelium) itself. Therefore, bad vascular condition will impair the synthesis of nitric oxide. Furthermore, nitric oxide is short-lived (decompose in few seconds). Antioxidant (endogenous and exogenous) molecules protect nitric oxide from decomposing quickly. Therefore, decreased levels of antioxidants in the body will cause less availability of nitric oxide subsequently leading to erectile dysfunction.
So, what causes decrease of antioxidants in body?
The core answer is inflammation and other related processes will lead to the decrease of antioxidant defense in the body.
Oh.. What causes inflammation in body?
Several chronic diseases/disorders cause inflammation and related processes to rise in the body such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hyperlipidemia, and psychological stress disorders such as anxiety, depression etc. Even in people without these disorders, many young persons have metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome also has inflammatory component in it. Many appear-to be healthy people have insulin resistance. Insulin increases nitric oxide production. So, insulin resistance (cells resist the normal levels of insulin; so higher levels of insulin are required to transport glucose into cells and transport amino acids into skeletal muscle cells). Insulin resistance appears to be a starting point in many people who develop erectile dysfunction as insulin resistance seems to be starting problem for diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Insulin resistance appears to linked with inflammation.
Then, how to reduce inflammation and decrease insulin resistance?
No perfect medicine is available as of now. Various lifestyle modifications and supplements are recommended to decrease inflammation and insulin resistance. Exercise is the best in this category. Moderate aerobic exercise and weight training are recommended. Avoid heavy and strenuous exercises as it will increase oxidative stress and inflammation.
What should I eat/avoid?
a. Avoid refined sugar, white bread/white rice - these foods increase oxidative stress in body
b. Avoid high fat food - these foods increase oxidative stress in body
c. Eat low low glycemic foods and low-insulinemic foods.
d. Do fasting for at least 12 hours a day. Practice this regularly or in weekends. Consume all your food within 12 hours window and fast during the remaining 12 hours of a day. You can take water. But, strictly no calories.
c. Eat more antioxidants/take supplements
Hmm...I am already following one or more of the above recommendations. What supplements can I take further?
1. Consumption of vitamin C
I have taken 250 mg - 500 mg vitamin C daily 2-3 times after the food. It increases body heat and erection. If this works for you, probably you can assume that you have insulin resistance and inflammation in your body.
2. Folic acid
I have taken 1 mg - 3 mg of folic acid one time daily. This increases my mood and when combined with vitamin C gave better erections.
3. Multivitamin tablets/capsules
I usually take a multivitamin tablet/capsule everyday as it helps to reduce the inflammation and improve the general well-being feeling. Multivitamin with ginseng worked for me earlier. Nowadays, it is not working.
4. DL-phenylalanine
250 mg-500 mg of DL-phenylalanine increased the erections.
Disclaimer: This is not a medical advice and I am not a medical doctor. The above statements are not authorized/validated/approved by any drug approving authority. Please do not take any supplement/medicine on your own. Please consult a doctor for your illness.
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