1. Take benzodiazepine (alprazolam) for 1 - 2 months. Then, stop. It may cause increased drive of noradrenaline and dopamine. I used to take this combination in 2000 before joining the job. It increased the libido and affection tremendously.
2. Take 2 - 4 eggs (preferably half boiled) daily for 2 months. It increased libido and erection strength.
3. Go for walking 45 minutes two times (preferably one in morning and one in evening) daily.
4. Stop drinking tea and coffee. Take green tea with brown sugar or honey two times daily. Avoid white sugar. Avoid eating rice. Consume wheat based products only. Take thiamine 25 mg two times daily. I did this during Ramadhan fasting and found no stuttering and gasping for breath. Not much of sleepiness also.
5. Take folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin A and vitamin C to avoid peripheral neuropathy symptoms.