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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Probable Conditions and Possible Treatment Options

Based on the observations and interventions I had so far, I may have one or more of the conditions below:

Also, I took the online tests at and based on my scores also I may have one or more of the following conditions.

1. Mild Autism - (Impairment of social skills)
2. ADD - characterized by occasional periods of intense focus followed by inability to focus and concentrate
3. Overmethylation
4. Genetic mutations - MTHFR/Methionine synthase/CBS
5. Chronic fatigue syndrome
6. Damage to prefrontal cortex
7. Demyelination disorders
8. Pyroluria
9. Dopamine deficiency
10. Testosterone deficiency (This may be the root cause of all problems)

Also, I took the online tests at and based on my scores also I may have one or more of the following conditions (indicated with red background)

S. No.
Serotonin deficiency

moderately low level of serotonin.
GABA deficiency
severely low level of GABA
Dopamine deficiency
severely low level of dopamine
Acetylcholine deficiency
moderately low level of acetylcholine
Pyroluria test
anyone who scores 15 or more should be tested for pyroluria
Histadelia, (undermethylation)
anyone who scores less than 10 probably doesn't have histadelia
Histapenia, (overmethylation)
anyone who scores 10 or more should be tested for histapenia
Hypothyroidism test
anyone who scores between 8 and 11 may have moderately low thyroid function
Fatty acid imbalance test
a score of more than 10 is very suggestive of fatty acid imbalance.
Trans fatty acid intake
a score of up to 4 is not bad
omega-3 fatty acid intake section
a score between 10 and 20 shows that you have a reasonable intake of omega 3. However a score of more than 20 would be ideal
Sugar Addiction (Unstable blood sugar) test
anyone who scores more than 12 may have a problem with blood sugar instability
Food intolerance test
strongly suggestive of problems relating to food intolerance
Adrenal fatigue test
severe adrenal fatigue
Addison’s disease test
According to Dr James L. Wilson, anyone who scores more than 12 should look at the following questions.

The areas on my body listed below have become bluish-black in color:
  • Inside of lips, mouth
  • Vagina
  • Around nipples
  • I have frequent unexplained diarrhea
  • I have increased darkening around the bony areas, at folds in my skin, scars and creases of my joints
  • I have light coloured patches on my skin where the skin has lost its usual color
  • I easily become dehydrated
  • I have fainting spells
(I don’t have any of these symptoms)
Candida test
almost certainly have yeast-connected health 

Also, following are the supplements which gave me increased energy and good mood at different times. So, I need to re look into these supplements and combine them in an effective manner to avoid the side effects.

S. No.
Positive effects
Negative effects
Folic acid 2.5 mg, b.i.d. (morning and night) alone and in combination with multivitamin tablets
Increased energy, good mood, Increased ability to concentrate and remain in a task
Mild stuttering
The effect of folic acid is always apparent clearly. The effect is observable after 2-3 doses and disappears after 24 hours of stopping the dose. Suggesting a folic acid deficiency OR some error in the metabolic pathway of folate. Need to do genetic testing to identify any deficiency in MTHFR, methionine synthase and MTRR and plasma homocysteine and methyl malonic acid
Methyl folate 3.75 mg b.i.d. (morning and night) alone and in combination with multivitamin tablets
Increased energy, good mood, Increased ability to concentrate and remain in a task, development of super confidence feeling (grandiosity)
Mild stuttering but manageable
Suggesting a folic acid deficiency OR some error in the metabolic pathway of folate. Need to do genetic testing to identify any deficiency in MTHFR, methionine synthase and MTRR and plasma homocysteine and methyl malonic acid
Calcium around 300 mg – 500 mg b.i.d. (morning and evening) from Magcalzinc tablets and from Amul low fat milk
Increased energy, good mood, good interest to engage in conversations

This needs to be confirmed by taking calcium supplements alone preferably a calcium phosphate. Probably, the increased calcium levels may favour the release of neurotransmitters.
Phosphorous around 400 mg – 500 mg b.i.d. (morning and evening) from Amul low fat milk
Increased energy, good mood, good interest to engage in conversations

This needs to be confirmed by taking calcium supplements alone preferably in the form of calcium phosphate. Probably, the increased phosphorous levels may favour the formation of more ATP.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl) 5 - 10 mg o.d. OR b.i.d. either alone or in combination with other multivitamin tablets
Very mild increase in energy, prevents headache
Increased stuttering, Increased daytime sleepiness
Suggesting increased serotonergic neurotransmission indirectly indicating near normal serotonergic system.
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 5 mcg – 15 mcg in the form of multivitamin tablets
No apparent observable effect
No apparent observable effect
May be some error in the cobalamin metabolic pathway
Methylcobalamin 250 mg b.i.d. OR o.d.
Able to sleep continuously without breaks, able to get up early in the morning with “completed my sleep” feeling, vivid dreams, No significant daytime sleepiness
Mild stuttering
May be some error in the cobalamin metabolic pathway. Need to do genetic testing to identify any deficiency in MTHFR, methionine synthase and MTRR and plasma homocysteine and methyl malonic acid
Zinc 15 mg o.d. alone (Biozinc – amino chelated zinc) and in combination with other multivitamin tablets/capsules
Faster wound healing, No easy bruising of skin (No peeling of skin at nail joints), No white spots on nails, disappearance of black pigmented rough skin spot at the nose joints, Faster acne healing and reduction in acne, Mild increase in focus and concentration
After few doses, lethargy and slowness of body movements started, slowness of body movements progressed with continuation of doses, stopped after stopping the dose
Suggesting zinc deficiency but may need reduced daily intake (< 15 mg). Need to test for plasma zinc levels.
Phosphatidylcholine 100 – 300 mg, o.d. OR b.i.d. alone or in combination with other multivitamin tablets
Increased working memory (can do multitasking very faster), reduced perception of stress
Sometimes, tight chest spasms occurred, mild stuttering
Suggesting reduced cholinergic neurotransmission
Vitamin D3 65000 IU, once in a week OR once in a month
No dropping of mood even when stressed, No muscle pains
Increased stuttering for first few days only
Vitamin D3 deficiency is confirmed in lab testing.
Vitamin D3 1000 – 2000 IU o.d. in combination with multivitamin tablets/capsules
No dropping of mood even when stressed, No muscle pains
Increased stuttering, incomplete sleep in night especially when taken at night, sleep debt occurring after few days, increased daytime sleepiness, reduced motivation
Not sure how to take vitamin D3 without getting side effects.
Ginger (Milk extract of ginger – skinless ginger cuttings are added to milk and boiled. This milk is used for making tea and coffee.) This type of ginger tea or coffee is consumed two times a day, in morning and evening.
Increased libido, slightly increased fluency of speech, good body warmth
Increased sleepiness, mild diarrhoea sometimes, increased stuttering sometime
Suggesting testosterone deficiency. Need to test for total and free testosterone, SHBG levels